Friday, July 14, 2017

...of seeing myself as an unworthy servant of my Lord...

Much is said and written about the importance of believers having a proper, healthy, self-image of who they are “in Christ.”

Certainly, Scripture presents a variety of very appealing pictures of our position as adopted children of the "King of Kings," and "Lord of Lords."

Yet, according to Jesus’ teaching in Luke 17:7-10, a proper, healthy, and Scriptural self-image of who we are in Christ must include, (though admittedly not be limited to), an understanding of our relationship to our Lord as that of a servant to his Master.

Clearly, the One Who knows us better than we know ourselves understands that as we might remember and reflect upon some act, or acts, we have performed out of our sincere and heartfelt desire to obey Him, and even to glorify Him, it is, nonetheless, likely that we would be moved to a truly inappropriate, and even dangerous, sense of pride. 

When considering our need for a proper, healthy, Scriptural understanding of who we are “in Christ,” we must not ignore the teaching of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Luke 17:7-10.

“Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and recline at table’? Will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink’? Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’”

Sunday, July 09, 2017

...of expectations...before and after...

One who is dead in sin can never respond to God…
One who has new life in Christ must never fail to respond to God…

One who has a heart of stone is without sensation of divine love…
One who has been given a heart of flesh must always love God and others…

One who is bound in the shackles of sin struggles to walk…
One who has been freed from those shackles must learn to walk without stumbling…

One born blind by sin is incapable of seeing the beauty of the Lord,
One blessed with eyes to see must always respond in awe to His beauty…

One deaf due to sin can not hear and respond to God’s call and commands…
One blessed with ears to hear must never fail to obey His every Word…

One feeding only on bread that can never satisfy will fail to grow…
One invited to eat his fill of the bread of life must evidence healthy growth…

One drinking only tainted water from a broken cistern will know unquenchable thirst…
One invited to the fountain of living waters must, himself, drink and overflow.

...of the true torment of sin...

Friday, July 07, 2017

Truth: Its Source...Its Revelation...and Its Application...

...of rejecting truth and embracing slavery to unrighteousness...

Moses' heart... Paul's heart... Jesus' heart... My heart?

...of entering into the sufferings of Christ...
The heart of Moses...
The heart of Paul...
My heart?

...of Scriptural Brokenness and Fixing My Eyes on Jesus...

Speaking & Praying with Confident Boldness & Humble Tension

Those who know the Lord ought always to speak and pray with an appropriate and evident balance of confident boldness and humble tension.

"Iron sharpens iron"'s true...but...

"Iron sharpens iron"'s true..but, the best edge is achieved when the steel is wisely wielded by one who hones with humility and empathy.