Sunday, December 18, 2016

The pursuit of soul-satisfying pleasure...

The pursuit of truly soul satisfying pleasure…apart from engagement in, and devotion to, Divinely designed relationship,
is frustratingly futile…

Friday, December 09, 2016

…lessons from Peter, the fisherman...

…of faithful obedience…a fearful focus...frantic cries…and failures

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

...future hope equips us for present endurance...

Divinely promised hope is not provided as
an anesthetizing distraction from present trials,
but as an equipping power to endure.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Advent Reflections...thoughts along the way...beyond empathy...

I cannot worship the Lord Jesus Christ for His incarnation if I will not follow the Him in selfless commitment to identify with others...serving them in their need.

To claim to understand and appreciate the worth of what He has done requires that I also recognize His call on my life to empathize with the life experiences of those who are different from me, so that I can serve them and intercede on their behalf, that they too might know His blessing, and that His glory might be made manifest.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

COMING SOON! "...entering His rest..." A New PODCAST with Dr. James Long, Jr. and Victor J. Maglio

Over the course of many years now, my good friend, and dear brother in the Lord, James Long, Jr. and I have taught Scripture together and preached a number of sermon series together.  Beyond that however, we have also simply met together periodically over lunch to talk about the things of God. We find ourselves sharing together both gratitude and amazement as we reflect on the truth that, through the finished work accomplished at the cross of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God has graciously provided us with a sure hope of entering into His rest, not only at some point in the distant future, but also, today…and every by day.

Both James and I have come to truly appreciate, and look forward to, those lunch-time opportunities Our Lord provides for us to come apart from the daily demands of life and simply sit together across a table and talk about these eternal truths which are, after all, “of first importance.”  Although we often struggle to schedule those times, we always seem to come away mutually encouraged…challenged…and checking our calendars to evaluate possibilities for our next meeting.

This past summer, as we shared over one of those lunches, we began to consider the possibility of producing a podcast together.  We considered how we might record something like one of our informal lunch-time discussions of these truths “of first importance” in a manner that would provide an experience for listeners that would allow them to feel as if they were sitting at a table near ours, simply overhearing our conversation about the things of God in the comfort of a relaxed and natural setting.  And so, “…entering His rest…” was conceived.

For the past several months, James and I have prayerfully considered potential initial discussion topics as well as the logistics involved in getting such a podcast up-and-running. The Lord has provided in both areas. So, Lord willing, we are now anticipating that our first series might be on-line sometime in December, or early January.  Our plan is to post two podcasts per month, each being about 20 minutes in length.

So, we would like to invite you to pull up a table nearby and listen in on our conversations.  If you find that you have a question or comment regarding something you might “overhear,” we will try to provide you with a means of letting us know…and we certainly won’t consider you rude or impolite for listening in...!

                      PLEASE WATCH FOR FUTURE UPDATES…!

 By the way…for those you who know me, but might not know James; James is currently serving as part of the Pastoral Team at "The Chapel,” a Christian fellowship meeting in the Washington/Phillipsburg area of Warren County, NJ.  To learn more about James, please feel free to check-out his on-line biographical information at or on his blog at , or on Twitter ( @drjameslongjr ).

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Monday, June 06, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Proverbs 31 Man...?

As a male who is a follower of Jesus Christ, I am, according to Scripture, identified not only as part of His “Church,” but, also, as His “Bride.”  Therefore, I need to read Proverbs 31, not as a text intended primarily for my wife to understand and aspire to; nor as a text for Mother’s Day sermons I might be called upon to deliver; nor as a text to provide necessary guidance for young women preparing to marry; but, rather, I must approach it as a text that I must understand and employ daily in my own relationship with my Lord.  I must aspire to the Christ-honoring character and conduct of “The Proverbs 31 Woman,” in my own God-ordained role as He graciously identifies me as His “Bride.” I must ask myself if my love for, and devotion to, Jesus Christ are consistent with these verses from Sacred Scripture.

The following are some brief thoughts on select verses from Proverbs 31:10-31.

10 An excellent wife who can find?  She is far more precious than jewels.
Do I see myself, not as an “excellent wife,” who was “found;” but, rather, as one who, though faithless and unclean, has been graciously “sought out and found” by my “Husband;” and as one who is now in the process of being prepared…washed…cleansed…that I might “become” the “excellent wife” He desires and deserves?  As that process proceeds, am I in awe of the reality that I am “precious” in His sight?

11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.
Do I seek always, as His Bride, to be faithful to Him, in all things?  Can He “trust” me?  Does my life result in “gain” for Him?  Or, does He suffer loss because I bear His Name?

12 She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.
Do I seek always, as His Bride; to speak and act in such a way that His Name is hallowed, honored, and not harmed?  Or, is that of little concern to me?

13 She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands.
Do I seek always, as His Bride, to find and employ the necessary resources to accomplish His will…willingly?  Or, are my efforts undertaken grudgingly and with resentment, if at all?

14 She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar.
Am I willing, as His Bride, to endure the dangers, distance and loneliness of time away from the safety and security of my harbor, to serve Him?

15 She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.
Am I willing, as His Bride, daily, to rise early, leaving the comfort of my bed, to serve Him; to prepare for the care of those whom He has entrusted to me?  Or, do I prefer to “sleep-in,” as I believe I “deserve”?

16 She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.
Am I willing, as His Bride, to risk personal material loss and to experience the weariness of physical labor to invest in that which will bear fruit for Him, and those whom He has entrusted to me?

17 She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.
Do I, as His Bride, daily, determine to clothe myself in His strength, pursuing the type of daily regimen (both physical and spiritual) required to develop and maintain the strength and endurance necessary to labor for His glory?

18 She perceives that her merchandise is profitable. Her lamp does not go out at night.
Do I, as His Bride, daily, recognize the value of all He has entrusted to me?  With that recognition, do I labor, even though weary, to make the most of the time I have, that He and others might realize His blessing?  Or, do I rather prefer to reward myself with the “rest” I so rightly deserve?

19 She puts her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle.
Do I, as His Bride, remain diligently occupied; making use of even the simplest tools I have, to accomplish necessary tasks, even though they might seem to be dull, repetitive drudgery.

20 She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy.
Am I willing, as His Bride, to share with those in need out of the bountiful blessings, both material and spiritual, which I possess solely by virtue of my relationship to Him?

21 She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household are clothed in scarlet.
Do I, as His Bride, live in anxious fear of future conditions?  Or, do I honor Him by resting in the knowledge of His provision for me, and those whom He has entrusted to me?

23 Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land.
Do I, as His Bride, recognize the high honor and privilege I have, by His grace alone, to be chosen by Him to enjoy the intimacy of relationship with Him to Whom one day every knee will bow, and every tongue confess, that He is Lord of all?

26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Do I, as His Bride, speak, always, in such a manner that His life-giving wisdom and His soul-healing kindness are heard, that His Word might accomplish His Holy will?

27 She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Do I, as His Bride, make it my priority to see to it that the needs of those whom He has entrusted to me are constantly cared for?  Or, do I prefer the pursuit of the “personal time” I perceive that I “deserve”?

30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Do I, as His Bride, desire to be known and recognized by Christ-like character and conduct; by my awe of and respect for my Lord, even though that means that I might often, be misunderstood and rejected by the world?  Or, do I seek to be known, recognized by virtue of that which appeals to, and is held in high regard by the world, that I might gain their acceptance?

31 Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.
Am I, as His Bride, known…recognized…by the “fruit” of Christ-like character that reveals my relationship to Him, and results in His honor and glory?

Friday, April 15, 2016

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
(Romans 12:15)

It is not very difficult to share enter into... either the joy, or even the grief, of those with whom we feel a kinship…those for whom we have an affinity…those whom we find lovely.

The Apostle Paul, however, makes no distinctions in this Spirit-inspired charge in Romans 12:15. In fact, in this context (Romans 12:14-21), Paul is describing our call to a "genuine love" that acts, yes, towards brothers and sisters in Christ, but also even towards those who would persecute us…those who are our enemies.

Therefore, the more difficult question is, can we honestly say that we are willing to…and seeking to…share in…enter into…both the joy and the grief of those with whom we feel no kinship…those for whom we have no affinity…those whom we do not find lovely…even among our brothers and sisters in Christ, let alone an outside enemy?

Sadly, too often, our “natural” (sinful) tendency is to take joy in their setbacks and sufferings and to despise, regret, effectively to weep over, their experiences of joy…

Such things ought not be so...

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
(1 Timothy 1:5)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

...the deceitfulness of sin vs. true soul-satisfying pleasures...

The power behind the deceitfulness of sin is inextricably connected to the appeal of the pleasures, though temporary, that sin both promises and provides. (Hebrews 3:13 & 11:25)

The “reward” of (temporary) pleasures experienced as a result of repeatedly yielding to temptation serves only to effectively provide a "training" that makes future resistance against temptation even more difficult.

The “reward” and sure hope resulting from a regular practice of fixing my eyes on Jesus is fullness of joy and the Divine promise of true soul-satisfying pleasures, both now, and forever more. (Hebrews 12:2 & Psalm 16:11)

Saturday, April 09, 2016

...pain resulting from love, rather than pain resulting from hate...

Pain and suffering…grief and loss…are unavoidable realities in this sin-cursed world.

Still, Father, grant that my experiences of those realities might come as a result of my efforts to express Spirit-produced…Spirit-empowered actions and attitudes of Christ-like love, and not as a result of my own fleshly actions and attitudes of selfishness and hate.

Monday, March 28, 2016

...of all believers most to be pitied…

If my hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is limited to what I can look forward to after death, then, I am of all believers most to be pitied

It is essential that those who believe in Jesus Christ...those who have been born again to a living hope through His resurrection from the dead, at such a great cost...both understand, and live in light of the truth that His resurrection has critical implications for each and every believer, now, even as we remain our day-to-day walk.

...true deliverance from the power and dominion of sin...
...true access into the very presence of God...
...true courage and confidence to endure...
...true rest...

...and so much more...!

Friday, March 18, 2016

...strength for today...hope for tomorrow...

If we would take some time to reflect on Our Lord’s past demonstrations of His power, His presence and His faithfulness as He has sustained us in and through times of particularly difficult trials and testings, Scripture instructs us to do so with the understanding that such demonstrations were, at the same time, sovereignly designed by Him to prepare us for, and sustain us through, future times of trail and testing as well.

As we consider this truth, it should move us to  face and receive today’s trials and testings with an anticipation, and a sure hope, that they come to us as preparation for His future demonstrations of His power, His presence and His faithfulness.

This blessed reality is summed up well in the words of Thomas Chisholm in the hymn he penned...Great is Thy Faithfulness , "...strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow..."