The Levitical (Aaronic) High Priest...
Under the Old (Mosaic) Covenant, established by God Himself, the people watched with anxious anticipation as their High Priest, adorned in his elaborated priestly garb, entered the Holy of Holies, bearing the blood of the sacrifice (offered first for his own sins, and then also for the sins of the people) surrounded by an arrangement of carefully crafted curtains that separated him from the people he represented, as they did, at the same time, separate the people from the place of the presence of God.
The people waited in fear for his return, his re-appearance, so that they could know that their Priest remained alive...the sacrifice offered on their behalf had indeed been accepted…their sins were indeed atoned for…for that year…as the curtains of separation remained...
Jesus as Great High Priest...
Jesus, as the Great High Priest of the New and Better Covenant, promised by God Himself, entered the true Holy of Holies in Heaven, by His own blood, having offered Himself as the perfect, once-for-all sacrifice for the sins of His people, while angels bore witness, but, the people He represented knew nothing of His actions.
Rather, those who first saw Him and heard Him...those who first hoped that He might be the one who would deliver them as God’s people, only bore witness to His lifeless body being carried, wrapped in grave clothes, into a cold, dark tomb that was sealed with a great stone…separating Him from His people.
And yet, after three days, He arose from that tomb…resurrected…confirming that His finished work as the Holy and Righteous Son of God of putting away the sins of His people forever…had indeed been accepted by His Father...and, the veil of the temple on earth was torn in two, from the top to the bottom...
Now, His people enjoy access, by faith...being invited...even come boldly before His Throne, that they might receive mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. And, His people now wait, not in anxious fear, but with a sure hope...a confident expectation and anticipation, for His promised and sure return in glory and power to reign over His Kingdom…for eternity...
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