only One Who ever knew the full depth and beauty of the joyous
satisfaction…even satiation…experienced in perfect communion with You,
Father, and Your Blessed Holy Spirit, shuttered…wept…even sweat, as it
were, great drops of blood in the Garden as He faced…in prolonged and
measured, horrifying contemplation, the loss of that blessed
relationship…all He had ever known from before time began…solely for the
sake of those He came to save. Repeatedly He pleaded…imploring from the
depths of His Holy Soul, that if there were any other way…this dreadful
cup might pass from Him…yet, still, entrusting Himself to You, and Your
Perfect and Holy Will in loving obedience.
dreadfully shameful that we…who have so gained, and that, only by virtue of His great loss…should ever fail to employ in its
fullness…worse, that we should dare to carelessly ignore…that precious and
indescribable gift of blessed communion…even union with the Divine
Trinity…purchased at such a great cost…the very life of Your only
Son…Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
How awesome Your Love, that continues to patiently invite us into that
place of blessed communion, continues to call us to come boldly before
Your Throne, that we might receive Your mercy, and Your find Your
matchless grace, in time of need, through our Great High Priest…till
that promised day when we shall, at last, be blessed to know You, in all
Your Glory, as we see our Savior, face to face, and begin to enjoy,
with Him, and in Him, that beauty…that joyous satisfaction…that
satiation…of perfect relationship with You, for all eternity.
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