...thoughts along the way from Psalm 90...
...journal of a pilgrim journey...thoughts along the way...from one who stands amazed at the matchless mercy and grace of a Holy God who sovereignly transforms hearts of stone, into hearts of flesh... building a spiritual house, by His Grace, and for His Glory, one living stone at a time...Stone upon Stone.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Thursday, January 26, 2017
...of the goal of God's grace...
Appreciation for God’s amazing grace in salvation will never terminate in
simple gratitude alone, nor lead to either idleness or complacency.
...of delight in holiness & disgust with sin...
I can
neither affirm nor aspire to the beauty of Christ’s holiness without also
rejecting…being disgusted by…the heinousness of my own sin…
Sunday, January 22, 2017
We can work it out...
We can work it out...
But, only because the Lord has begun it...He continues to work in us...and He has promised to bring it to completion...
But, only because the Lord has begun it...He continues to work in us...and He has promised to bring it to completion...
Friday, January 20, 2017
...love covers all offenses...
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Withholding Forgiveness is both Dangerous and Sinful...
It is both dangerous, and sinful, to ever consider withholding
forgiveness because I am skeptical
about the prospects for reconciliation.
Confusing God's Sanctifying Grace with Innate Personal Holiness
We live with a constant danger of getting used to…becoming
accustomed to…even taking for granted…the presence of God's sanctifying
grace, and so, potentially, confusing the effects of His grace with some
innate personal holiness.
As a result, I might find myself surprised by my own sin...
Saturday, January 07, 2017
...powerlessness...in times of impending peril...
Our Lord's prescription for powerless people in times of impending peril is a God-ward focus in prayer and praise...
Thursday, January 05, 2017
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